Semi-Pro Man vs. USA Champion Woman

Semi-Pro Man vs. USA Champion Woman
Battle against a USA National Champion, Jiaqi Zheng.
She is also, the coach for world number 8, Cheng I-Ching and the Chinese Taipei women's team.

Congratulations @rohitsunray for winning this video's $100 Amazon gift card giveaway. To win, just be the first person to comment with your instagram handle on my next video.

Thanks @USA Table Tennis for the footage.

Here's how you can follow Jiaqi on Instagram:

Here's how you can follow me on social media:

Thanks @T2 Diamond for the footage.

#TableTennis #PingPong #USAChampion

I play for andro and my equipment is:

Rubber- RASANTER V42 (both sides)
Blade - Treiber K
Просмотры на YouTube: 2 524 679

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