Survival Food and Shelter in Desert Wilderness

Survival Food and Shelter in Desert Wilderness
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On Day 2 of this survival adventure I crawled out of my primitive survival shelter and collected simple foods to eat near camp. After breakfast I ventured out to explore up the canyon towards the mountain peak to see what I might find. I found a few more food items that required no preparation and climbed one of the rocky peaks. I made a digging stick, started a few fires using cattail fluff, made a shadow stick compass to show directions, and heated rocks in the fire to keep me warm at night. The following morning I enjoyed the beautiful surroundings and prepared to hike out of the mountains.

*** CC, Closed Captioning, Subtitles ***

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Camera: Nikon D7200
Sound: Zoom H4N
Editing: Final Cut Pro X on MacBook Air
Location: California

Music credits:

Drums of the Deep by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
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